Sunday, 9 November 2008

Coming Out So Far

as far as coming out first I told a girl who was my best friend, she ended up telling other people, so I'm no longer friends with her, I have told my other best friend(boy) a bit latter, he took it just fine and is still my friend. I told a group of girls I'm friends with. As far as my parents, I told my Mom I might be gay and she started balling, never mentioned it since, I havn't even considered telling my Dad, Quote my Dad "All gays should be shot", actully my entire dad's side of my family takes that view.


Twisty Widgets said...

I am gay and my dad took the same view of gay people. I waited til I was out of the house to tell him and he didn't speak to me for about six months. After a while he came around to the idea that I was still his son and he still loved me. Now about five years later, he is totally OK with it and is anxious to meet my boyfriend. It will likely be hard for you but it will also very likely turn out OK.

"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

I just wanted to say that I hope that things work out for you. I really think that if you are true to yourself everything else just sort of works itself out. Was curious though how did you find my blog and why are you interested in it? just seems random i guess i am curious.